
At BR Healthcare, our emergency department stands as a beacon of hope and support during critical moments. With a steadfast commitment to excellence and patient-centred care, our dedicated team is poised to address a wide array of medical emergencies with speed, precision, and compassion.
Equipped with cutting-edge technology and staffed by highly skilled healthcare professionals, our emergency department ensures rapid assessment, stabilisation, and treatment for patients in need. Whether facing trauma, cardiac events, respiratory distress, neurological crises, or other urgent medical issues, patients can trust in our expertise and dedication to deliver timely and effective care.
We understand that emergencies can be stressful and overwhelming for patients and their loved ones. That's why our team goes above and beyond to provide a supportive and comforting environment, offering clear communication, empathy, and reassurance throughout the entire process.
At BR Healthcare, we prioritise patient safety and well-being above all else. From the moment you step through our doors, you can rest assured that you're in capable hands. With our unwavering commitment to responsiveness, reliability, and compassion, we're here to provide the emergency care you need when you need it most.




  • Trauma Care
  • Cardiac Care
  • Respiratory Support
  • Neurological Interventions
  • Intravenous Medications and Fluids

BR Healthcare offers comprehensive trauma care for patients who have suffered injuries from accidents, falls, or other traumatic events. Treatment may include wound care, fracture stabilisation, pain management, and surgical interventions as needed.

BR Healthcare's emergency department is equipped to handle cardiac emergencies such as heart attacks, arrhythmias, and cardiac arrest. Treatment options may include cardiac monitoring, oxygen therapy, medications, defibrillation, and, in some cases, emergency cardiac catheterization or surgery.

Patients experiencing respiratory distress or failure receive prompt intervention at BR Healthcare. Treatment may involve oxygen therapy, mechanical ventilation, bronchodilator medications, and other respiratory support measures to ensure adequate oxygenation and ventilation.

BR Healthcare provides urgent care for neurological emergencies such as strokes, seizures, and traumatic brain injuries. Treatment may include neuroimaging (such as CT or MRI scans), medication therapy (such as clot-busting drugs for strokes), seizure management, and neurosurgical interventions as necessary.

Intravenous (IV) medications and fluids are often administered to patients in emergency situations to deliver medications rapidly and maintain hydration. IV access allows healthcare providers to administer pain medications, antibiotics, fluids, and other critical medications directly into the bloodstream for immediate effect.

Why Choose Us

Expert Emergency Care Team
State-of-the-Art Facilities
Timely and Efficient Care
Patient-Centred Approach


  • Myocardial Infarction (Heart Attack)
  • Stroke
  • Severe Respiratory Distress
  • Traumatic Injuries
  • Severe Allergic Reactions (Anaphylaxis)

A heart attack occurs when blood flow to a part of the heart is blocked, leading to damage or death of heart muscle tissue. Symptoms may include chest pain, shortness of breath, nausea, and sweating.

A stroke occurs when blood flow to the brain is disrupted, leading to brain cell damage. Symptoms may include sudden weakness or numbness on one side of the body, difficulty speaking or understanding speech, vision problems, and severe headache.

Conditions such as severe asthma attacks, pulmonary embolism (blood clot in the lung), or acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) can cause sudden and severe difficulty breathing, necessitating emergency intervention to support breathing and oxygenation.

Trauma resulting from accidents, falls, or violence can lead to severe injuries requiring immediate medical attention. These injuries may include fractures, head injuries, spinal cord injuries, internal bleeding, or severe lacerations.

Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction that can occur rapidly and affect multiple organ systems. Common triggers include foods, insect stings, medications, and latex. Symptoms may include difficulty breathing, swelling of the throat or tongue, rapid heartbeat, and loss of consciousness.

BR Health Care | Shri Khatu Shyam Healthcare Private Limited